Rundle Mall is one of Australia’s busiest pedestrian malls, home to more than 700 retailers and host to 24 million annual visitors.
In a fast paced and highly competitive environment, we were tasked with delivering a bold rebrand to reinforce Rundle Mall’s position as Adelaide’s leading retail precinct.
- In this case study
- Brand Identity
- 3D + Motion
- Film + Photography
- Advertising
- Digital
Defining an Icon
Our aim was to achieve the holy grail of branding — to be recognised not by name, but by icon. To accomplish this, we utilised the famous 'Spheres', the precincts most recognisable landmark by Vienna-born artist Bert Flugelman, affectionately known to many South Australians as the 'Mall's Balls'. By distilling the Mall’s Balls into the simple form of two circles, we were able to develop a bold design system flexible enough to support Rundle Mall’s busy retail calendar.
Expect it All
Reinforcing the icon, we introduced the tagline “Expect it All”, phonetically mirroring “Rundle Mall” while encompassing the excitement of the brand and appealing to the emotions and imaginations of consumers. By extending the circles into elongated strips, we developed a modular design system used to contain and emphasise the tagline and other campaign headlines while adding another branding element that is distinct to Rundle Mall.

Developing a Visual Style
Incorporating both studio and on-location photography, we developed a visual style to reflect the Rundle Mall brand and provide brand consistency, while allowing the flexibility needed to incorporate a mix of retailer products and the ability to showcase the breadth of Rundle Mall's offering.
We also shot a 60-second brand launch film used to introduce Rundle Mall’s new brand to the precinct’s retailers, and then to South Australian consumers.
Black Friday
The brand launch strategically coincided with Black Friday, which kicks off the Christmas trading period and is one of Rundle Mall's biggest and most important retail events. The launch, supported by a Black Friday advertising campaign spanning radio, print, outdoor and digital, resulted in Rundle Mall experiencing their biggest ever Black Friday.